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Classical goes electro as metal maestro leads a far from robotic performance

"· World first as humanoid conducts Detroit orchestra · ASIMO kept time - but showed little emotion"

Category: Robotics


Sporting nanobot to inspire kids

"A tiny football-playing robot has been developed by a team in Zurich to spark young people's interest in nanotechnology - and with the hope of leading to pioneering medical treatments."

Category: Robotics


US army develops robotic suits

"On the big screen, films like Robocop, Universal Soldier and forthcoming release Iron Man show man-machines with superhuman powers. But in Utah they are turning science fiction into reality."

Category: Robotics


Robots, our new friends electric?

"· EU plan for first machines with personalities · 'Interactive companions' to help around the home"

Category: Robotics


Computers to merge with humans

"By 2020 the terms "interface" and "user" will be obsolete as computers merge ever closer with humans."

Displaying results 106 to 110 out of 132